• Natural Gas News

    Vestnik Kavkaza: The Struggle Against Russia Has Turned into a Struggle Against Gas



Deputy Director General for the National Energy Security Fund, Alexey Grivach, has warned that the more Europe fights against Russia, the more gas suffers

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Vestnik Kavkaza: The Struggle Against Russia Has Turned into a Struggle Against Gas

According to the analytical center of the multinational oil and gas company BP, Europe's dependence on gas imports will increase to 71% in 2035. In December 2014 Russia rejected construction of the South Stream pipeline bypassing Ukraine due to the resistance of the European Commission. It has declared the construction of a pipeline under the Black Sea. The Foreign Ministers of Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, Hungary and Turkey have already confirmed their participation in the construction.

Alexey Grivach, Deputy Director General for the gas problem in the National Energy Security Fund, thinks that “there is a certain political purpose, as Russian gas plays a very important role in the European market. We should note the failure of the systemic methods that have been used by the regulators in order to reduce the role of Russian gas in the European market. They have brought the opposite result. Despite a significant reduction of the consumed volume of gas in the EU, the share of Russian gas has increased there. The so-called alternative suppliers left the market more quickly, because the struggle against Russia turned into a struggle against gas. It led to the following situation: the other players were not in interested in continuing to work on those terms.”

Read the full article HERE.