• Natural Gas News

    ITAR-TASS: Russia is reliable gas supplier to Europe - GDF Suez CEO



The situation is by no means critical, as it involves differences on gas deliveries only between Russia and Ukraine, Gerard Mestrallet said

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

ITAR-TASS: Russia is reliable gas supplier to Europe - GDF Suez CEO

The president of French energy company GDF Suez sees no risk to unremitted gas deliveries from Russia to Europe amid developments in Ukraine.

The situation is by no means critical, as it involves differences on gas deliveries only between Russia and Ukraine, Gerard Mestrallet said at parliamentary hearings on Wednesday. Russia itself is “vitally interested” in gas exports to Europe, he said.

“Russia is a very reliable partner for GDF Suez,” the CEO said, reminding parliamentarians that gas supplies were interrupted only once, in 2009 - at the height of a gas dispute with Ukraine. However, France did not feel any gas shortage then, he noted.