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    Sputnik: Russia to Continue Gas Supplies to Europe – IEA Head



The head of the International Energy Agency, Maria van der Hoeven, says she hopes Russian gas will still flow to Europe as it has always been reliable

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Sputnik: Russia to Continue Gas Supplies to Europe – IEA Head

The head of the International Energy Agency (IEA) hopes the delivery of Russian gas to Europe will continue, since one third of the gas used in Europe right now comes from the East.

Despite efforts to diversify its energy sources, Europe will continue to receive gas from Russia, said Maria van der Hoeven, the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA).

"If you look at the supply of Russian gas, its delivery in the past was always reliable. And I would like to emphasize this. One third of gas used in Europe comes from Russia," van der Hoeven told RIA Novosti.

Read the full article HERE.