• Natural Gas News

    Today's Zaman: What Progress on Turkish Stream?



Today's Zaman looks at the relations between the EU, Putin, and Gazprom, and asks how Turkish Stream is progressing

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

Today's Zaman: What Progress on Turkish Stream?

During a visit to Ankara on Dec. 2, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia was giving up on plans to build South Stream, a mammoth and hugely expensive natural gas pipeline that was expected to transport some 63 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas across the Black Sea to Bulgaria, then on to Southeast Europe and Italy.

Putin blamed the EU for South Stream's death. The project did not comply with the EU's Third Energy Package (TEP), which does not allow the same company -- in this case Gazprom -- to own both the gas and the pipeline through which it is transported. If Russia had been willing to consider a compromise, South Stream could have flown.

Read the full article HERE.