• Natural Gas News

    Trend: Russia’s Gazprom Forced into Economically Unattractive Projects - Matthew Bryza



Matthew Bryza, director of International Centre for Defense Studies in Tallinn, says sanctions and corruption are forcing Gazprom into unattractive projects

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Trend: Russia’s Gazprom Forced into Economically Unattractive Projects - Matthew Bryza

There are many causes for financial difficulties of Russia’s Gazprom company, Matthew Bryza, former deputy assistant of the US secretary of state for South Caucasus, former US ambassador to Azerbaijan and director of International Centre for Defense Studies in Tallinn told Trend July 15.

“I suppose that western sanctions against Russia for its military actions against Ukraine are part of the issue, but there are many more factors,” he said.

Bryza said many analysts and observers have noted that Gazprom has been forced into some projects that are not really economically attractive like North Stream [sic] and Turkish Stream. “And so they end up losing money.”

Read the full article HERE.