• Natural Gas News

    Asia Times: Russia-Greece Pipeline: Will Turkish Stream Ever Stream?



In an opinion piece, Asia Times argues that though steps have been taken toward realising Turkish Stream with the Russia-Greece accord, completion will be hard

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Asia Times: Russia-Greece Pipeline: Will Turkish Stream Ever Stream?

Russia and Greece inked a deal on Friday to build an extension for Turetskiy Potok (Turkish Stream), the prospective gas pipeline planned to carry Russian gas to European markets via the Black Sea and Turkey. The agreement was signed at the margins of an international co-operation forum in St. Petersburg, albeit in the absence of a key stakeholder. The Turkish Minister of Energy, Taner Yıldız, cancelled his trip to Russia at the last minute, without an explanation by Turkish authorities. An agreement between Turkey and Russia for the Turkish Stream pipeline project is yet to be signed. But nobody really knows when this is going to happen.

Read the full article HERE.