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    Sputnik: Soft on Russia? Italian Paper Accuses UK of Hypocrisy Over Energy Deals



An Italian paper has accused UK of the hypocrisy, saying it criticises Italy for being soft on Russia while at the same time benefiting from deals with Russia

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Sputnik: Soft on Russia? Italian Paper Accuses UK of Hypocrisy Over Energy Deals

"Hardly a day goes by without some British politician or journalist pointing at Italy as the weak link in the western front against the Kremlin," - the Corriere della Sera, with an op-ed signed by its diplomatic correspondent Paolo Valentino, complains.

Italy, the "weak link", has lost South Stream, courtesy of the EU confrontational policy with Russia. And Italy's farmers have been badly affected by the embargo Russia enacted in July 2014 and extended, early this month, in retaliation to EU sanctions.

And yet, "Britain feeds a narrative that sees Rome as anxious to safeguard its business interests with Moscow," Paolo Valentino — who recently interviewed President Putin in Moscow for the Corriere newspaper — explains, before taking a stab at British hypocrisy.

Read the full article HERE.