• Natural Gas News

    The Diplomat: Squabbling Energy Oligarchs Threaten Moscow’s LNG Plans



Though Russia is attempting to diversify to Asia in light of sanctions after the Ukraine conflict, its progress is being halted by Rosneft and Gazprom disputes

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

The Diplomat: Squabbling Energy Oligarchs Threaten Moscow’s LNG Plans

In response to U.S. and EU sanctions, Russia has embarked upon a heavily publicized “pivot” to Asia over the last 18 months, seeking new strategic and economic partners to mitigate the effects of Moscow’s rift with the West over Ukraine. In keeping with Russia’s status as a major hydrocarbon exporter, natural gas has figured prominently in this attempted reorientation. Partly in response to European efforts to diversify its gas supplies away from reliance on Russia, the Kremlin has sought to carry out a “gas pivot,” publicly asserting that any market share lost in Europe can easily be replaced in Asia’s rapidly growing energy markets.

However, Moscow’s efforts to reorient its gas exports towards Asia have faltered in recent months.

Read the full article HERE.