• Natural Gas News

    Euractiv: Russia to Moldova: Choose cheap gas or EU integration



Russia has given Moldova the option of choosing either its low-prices gas or its pledge to adpot European energy liberalization measures, which are opposed by Russia


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Press Notes

Euractiv: Russia to Moldova: Choose cheap gas or EU integration

Russia told impoverished Moldova yesterday (12 September) to choose between low-priced gas from Russia and its pledge to adopt European energy liberalisation measures opposed by Moscow, which is girding for a conflict with Europe over natural gas.

"First of all, we propose that Moldova denounce the protocol on entering the Europe energy community agreement. This is a precondition for us to discuss the issue of gas price cuts and the relief of debt, which at the moment amounts to $4.1 billion [€3.17 billion]," Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said, as quoted by Reuters.

Moldova joined the EU-sponsored Energy Community, in 2009, together with Ukraine. The Energy Community, established in 2005, is designed to integrate the energy market of southeastern Europe with the European Union.  MORE