• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Russian gas flows to EU via Ukraine a touch higher -Slovak pipeline



Russian natural gas flows to the European Union through Slovakia via Ukraine on Wednesday were a touch above the level on previous day

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Reuters: Russian gas flows to EU via Ukraine a touch higher -Slovak pipeline

Russian natural gas flows to the European Union through Slovakia via Ukraine on Wednesday were a touch above the level on previous day, data from Slovak pipeline operator Eustream's website showed.

Nominations, or the amount scheduled for entry, totaled 48.1 million cubic metres (mcm), compared to 47.7 mcm on Tuesday, the website showed. In the past week, the operator reported daily nominations of around 48.9 mcm.

Eustream said it did not record any pressure reduction or any confirmed decrease in gas volumes at the entry point on the Slovak-Ukrainian border.

Russia's Gazprom said last Wednesday it was unable to meet rising gas demand from Europe while it built up stockpiles ahead of winter, undermining the ability of Europe to supply Ukraine with gas.