• Natural Gas News

    Birmingham Post: Russian dirty tricks muddy fracking waters?



Shale offers Europe to free itself of dependence on Russian gas, if not by extracting its own then by importing the stuff from the US

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Birmingham Post: Russian dirty tricks muddy fracking waters?

Shale gas is never far from the headlines. This week, the former Danish PM who now heads NATO suggested that the Russians might be “actively engaging” with environmental groups in their attempts to stop fracking in the UK.

Far-fetched perhaps, when you consider it was only last year that Greenpeace activists were thrown into a detention centre in Murmansk and accused of piracy.

But the logic is unavoidable; shale offers Europe the best chance to free itself of dependence on Russian gas, if not by extracting its own then by importing the stuff from the US which has plenty to spare.

SGH Martineau hosted a seminar on shale development in its Birmingham office on Friday, with environmental specialists ESI, and the focus was on the impacts of shale development on the UK water sector.