• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Russian relief at delay to Europe shale boom



Recent events in Europe starting with France’s fracking moratorium last year have put Europe’s shale gas boom on the backburner, which is good news for Russia. The industry still has potential however, it just seems to be taking longer than expected.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Russian relief at delay to Europe shale boom

At a dinner late last year, Vladimir Putin was asked how big a threat the development of shale gas in Europe posed to the energy exports of Russia’s Gazprom to the continent. Russia’s then prime minister grew agitated.

Grabbing a notebook, he sketched a diagram to illustrate hydraulic “fracking”, the controversial technology used to unlock shale gas reserves. Jabbing at it with his pen, Mr Putin warned that once Europeans understood its environmental risks – potential damage to groundwater – fracking would face a clampdown.

Executives of Gazprom were using similar words. Beneath the defensive bluster seemed to lurk genuine concern that “unconventional” gas could become the same game-changer for Europe’s gas industry as it has been in the US – sharply reducing its need for imports.  MORE