• Natural Gas News

    Russia’s new large-scale LNG projects are to boost the country’s presence on the global market [Promoted]


Natural Gas World in conjunction with Vostock Capital, the organiser of the LNG Congress Russia 2019 (20-21 March, Moscow, Russia), is pleased to offer a Russian LNG Industry Report. Prepared by Vostock Capital team of analysts, this special addition provides an industry overview and information on new LNG projects, including Arctic LNG 2, Yamal LNG, Sakhalin-2, Far Eastern LNG, and other LNG projects of Russia. We hope you will find it informative.

by: Vostock Capital

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Russia’s new large-scale LNG projects are to boost the country’s presence on the global market [Promoted]

LNG industry in Russia is developing rapidly. The industry has all key prerequisites for growth such as a significant natural resource potential, proximity of projects to international markets, and potential for expanding the existing projects with relative ease. Russia expects its global market share in LNG to stand at 15 % by 2025.

 Now there are two large-scale LNG production plants operating in Russia: Sakhalin-2 (Sakhalin Energy Investment Company), and Yamal LNG (NOVATEK). Arctic LNG 2 project, the next project by NOVATEK, will have an estimated cost of $20 bn. Another large-scale LNG project is Baltic LNG (Gazprom). The plant’s projected commissioning is scheduled for 2022-2023. Approximate project cost exceeds $11 bn. Far Eastern LNG is a joint project by Rosneft and ExxonMobil. Project cost is estimated at $9,8 bn. While oil and gas giants Gazprom and Rosneft are active in the Far East, NOVATEK wants to expand in the Arctic. NOVATEK’s own long-term goal is to produce 55 million to 60 million tonnes of LNG per year by 2030.


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Mid- and small-scale are also intensively developing in Russia. At the moment there are more than 13 ongoing projects: Сryogas, Gazprom GMT, Dalgasresurs, TopGaz and many others. The total investment in Russia’s mid- and small-scale projects exceeds $ 1 bn.

To learn more about current and planned LNG projects in Russia, current trends and business development opportunities in Russia’s LNG, download the detailed report.

The report covers:

•          Overview of Russia’s LNG industry

•          Production of LNG in Russia

•          Prospective applications of LNG in Russia

•          Large-scale LNG Projects

•          Medium-scale LNG Projects

•          Small-scale LNG Projects

•          Technology needed for development of Russia’s projects

Request the free report

The report is commissioned prior to the 6th International LNG Congress Russia 2019 (20-21 March, Moscow). The event annually gathers together 300+ decision-makers of Russia’s LNG industry including NOVATEK, Gazprom, Rosneft, Shell and many others. If you are interested in participating, please contact programme director of the Congress Elvira Sakhabutdinova, tel: +44 207 394 30 90, email: ESakhabutdinova@vostockcapital.com

Official website www.lngrussiacongress.com/en/