• Natural Gas News

    Asia Times: Russia's 'Turk Stream' move against Europe



Russia continues to play hardball with gas for the EU, trying to get Brussels to sacrifice Ukraine in return for the promise of better relations with Moscow.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Asia Times: Russia's 'Turk Stream' move against Europe

Russia continues to play hardball with natural gas for the European Union, trying to get Brussels to sacrifice Ukraine in return for the promise of better relations with Moscow.

The European Commission's vice-president for energy union, Maros Sefcovic, visited Russia on January 14 to ask exactly what Moscow's intentions were about the now-cancelled South Stream pipeline. Russian President Vladimir Putin had announced late last year a Russian plan to substitute for it a huge 63 billion cubic meter per year (bcm/y) pipeline project under the Black Sea to Turkey and then up to the Turkish-Greek border.

Moscow Tries to Turn the Natural Gas Pipeline Screw: Sefcovic was told that Russian shipments of natural gas through Ukraine would end and that if the EU wanted the gas, then it would have to get it through the new planned pipeline, which Russia has suggested could be called "Turk Stream".

But it is far from clear that Russia and Turkey can arrive at terms for implementing the project, even if Europe bends to the Russian pressure.