• Natural Gas News

    San Leon's Fanning Calls for Shale to Aid Ireland's Recovery



San Leon Energy's Oisin Fanning comments that if Ireland were to become energy independent, that nation's current account balance would be reduced by over 7 per cent.


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Press Notes

San Leon's Fanning Calls for Shale to Aid Ireland's Recovery

Oisin Fanning of San Leon Energy provides a reality check for those who oppose the exploitation of Irish oil and gas resources

'The 1.8 per cent of voters who voted Green in 2011 often hold the rest of the country hostage through their influence on the media. We need to understand that oil and gas belong to everyone in Ireland...'

THE story of oil and gas exploration both onshore and offshore in Ireland has often been one of dashed hopes. But recent hi-tech advancements in exploration techniques show that oil and gas is most likely abundant and ubiquitous worldwide. And, despite Irish greens' "Stop the planet, I want to get off" narrative, the world does include Ireland.

The issue of energy in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe needs a little bit more reality and a lot less magical thinking.  MORE