• Natural Gas News

    Herald Scotland: MEP claims Scotland can do more to market its energy in UK and Europe



Scottish energy to step up in energy-challenged markets in Eastern Europe, currently seen as being overly reliant on Russia.


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Herald Scotland: MEP claims Scotland can do more to market its energy in UK and Europe

Scottish ministers should draw up a strategy to exploit a new €647 million European fund to promote energy connections, one of the new intake of European parliamentarians has said.

Ian Duncan, the Conservative MEP for Scotland and a member of the Brussels parliament's energy and environment committees, said the Scottish Government was "talking the talk but not walking the walk", alleging that it was not doing enough to advance ways to convey energy to markets in the rest of the UK and across the North Sea.

He said that Holyrood should be "working arm in arm" with Whitehall to devise ways to build the connectivity that would allow Scottish energy to compete with power generated in the rest of the UK and on the continent, particularly in energy-challenged markets in Eastern Europe, currently seen as being overly reliant on Russia.