• Natural Gas News

    Scotland to Impose Moratorium on Unconventional Hydrocarbon Activities



Scotland has imposed a moratorium on unconventional hydrocarbon activities pending safety investigations and updated regulation


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Natural Gas & LNG News, , Shale Gas , News By Country, United Kingdom

Scotland to Impose Moratorium on Unconventional Hydrocarbon Activities

Scotland is to impose a moratorium on unconventional hydrocarbon activities.

Speaking before Scottish Parliament, Energy Minister Fergus Ewing announced a halt on the granting of planning consents for all unconventional oil and gas developments, including fracking, until proper risk studies have been undertaken and appropriate regulation introduced.

The Scottish Government will tighten environmental regulations and planning guidance and will undertake a full public health assessment to assess safety issues. Wide ranging public consultation will be undertaken to gauge Scottish public opinion on fracking.

“The Scottish Government has taken a cautious, considered and evidence-based approach to unconventional oil and gas and fracking,” said Minister Ewing.

“I have listened carefully to concerns raised by local communities and environmental campaigners. We have put in place robust environmental regulation, tougher planning rules and successfully opposed the UK Government’s plans to end Scottish householders’ rights to object to drilling under their homes.” continued Ewing.

“We recognise that local communities are likely to bear the brunt of any unconventional oil and gas developments, particularly in terms of increased traffic and related emissions and noise impacts. These are issues that must be researched further.”

No timetable was set for the completion om the new measures proposed today.