• Natural Gas News

    The Courier: MSP says ‘shale gas revolution’ offers a route out of fuel poverty



Murdo Fraser, convener of the Scottish Parliament’s economy, energy and tourism committee,says that fracking to extract shale gas from huge tracts of Fife could help slash energy prices and create thousands of jobs, an MSP has claimed.


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Press Notes

The Courier: MSP says ‘shale gas revolution’ offers a route out of fuel poverty

Controversial fracking to extract shale gas from huge tracts of Fife could help slash energy prices and create thousands of jobs, an MSP has claimed.

Murdo Fraser, convener of the Scottish Parliament’s economy, energy and tourism committee, insists it is time for Scotland to embrace the “shale gas revolution”.

Abundant gas deposits are thought to lie under Fife but the prospect of extraction through fracking has proved hugely divisive.