• Natural Gas News

    The National View: Honesty Needed in Discussion of North Sea Oil and Gas



An opinion piece in The National says that transparency and a stable fiscal regime are needed if the North Sea oil and gas industry is to be revived

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

The National View: Honesty Needed in Discussion of North Sea Oil and Gas

Jake Molloy has been working around oil and gas for more than three decades. He is a man who knows the industry better than most.

When he speaks about the North Sea, oil production and costs, he does so from a place of knowledge and experience. His is a voice worth listening to.

That Molloy, a trade unionist and fierce fighter for workers’ rights, is a man not well liked by the bosses, the shareholders and the owners should only add weight to his voice.

When he says there needs to be “some honesty and transparency because nobody is grasping what’s going on”, governments and ministers should sit up and take notice.

Read the full article HERE.