• Natural Gas News

    Holyrood: Campaigners warn against new form of unconventional gas extraction in the Forth



Friends of the Earth Scotland warns new unconventional gas extraction method poses "serious risk" to ecosystem and local communities


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Press Notes

Holyrood: Campaigners warn against new form of unconventional gas extraction in the Forth

Friends of the Earth Scotland has warned that plans to introduce a new form of unconventional gas extraction in the Forth pose a “serious risk” to nearby communities.

The warning comes as Cluff Natural Resources opens a consultation over plans for the UK’s first deep offshore Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) project, which it hopes would be based in the Grangemouth-Kincardine area.               

Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns, Mary Church, said: “Underground coal gasification has an extremely chequered past, with recent trials resulting in serious pollution and even explosions. Cluff’s plan to undertake this highly experimental technique offshore is untested and poses a serious risk to the sensitive Forth ecosystem and the communities living near it."

Read the full article HERE