• Natural Gas News

    Phys.org: Scottish people most sceptical on fracking, survey shows



If Scotland votes for independence later this week, its Government could face an uphill challenge in persuading the Scottish people that fracking is necessary

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Phys.org: Scottish people most sceptical on fracking, survey shows

If Scotland votes for independence later this week, its Government could face an uphill challenge in persuading the Scottish people that fracking is necessary, research has revealed.

The University of Nottingham Shale Gas Survey has been tracking public perception of shale gas extraction in the UK since March 2012 and has shown that people living north of the border are the least supportive of fracking.

Professor Sarah O'Hara, who leads the research in the University's School of Geography, said: "The clear move against shale gas extraction in Scotland is at odds with the rhetoric of pro-independence groups that have suggested that tapping into the region's unconventional energy resources could provide a colossal boost to Scotland's public finances.

"An independent Scottish government will have to work hard to change the mind of the country's voters if it is to deliver on the promises that it has made to the Scottish people."