• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: Scottish shale gas and oil 'no game-changer'



he British Geological Survey has conducted a survey of shale resources across the central belt of Scotland, between Glasgow and Edinburgh


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Press Notes

The Telegraph: Scottish shale gas and oil 'no game-changer'

Shale energy in Scotland will be “no game-changer”, industry sources have warned, ahead of the publication of a report mapping potential fracking targets north of the border.

The British Geological Survey has conducted a survey of shale resources across the central belt of Scotland, between Glasgow and Edinburgh, the findings of which are expected to be published as soon as next week.

Sources suggested the report would show relatively modest quantities of shale oil and gas – far less than are believed to lie beneath the Bowland basin of northern England. "It's not going to be a game-changer," said one.

A BGS survey of the Bowland last year said it could hold 1,300 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas – enough that if just 10pc could be extracted it could meet the UK’s gas needs for more than four decades.