• Natural Gas News

    The Parliament: Shale gas and fracking: Boguslaw Sonik



Misconceptions label shale gas as dangerous, when it is actually a highly valuable and efficient source of energy that should be exploited, argues MEP Boguslaw Sonik


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Press Notes

The Parliament: Shale gas and fracking: Boguslaw Sonik

Misconceptions label shale gas as dangerous, when it is actually a highly valuable and efficient source of energy that should be exploited, argues Boguslaw Sonik

Finally, as the dust settles after receiving a number of studies from the European Commission, reports from European parliament committees and being able to raise popular awareness on the topic, we may have a more level headed discussion on the prospects of shale gas exploitation in Europe.

In reality, extracting shale gas is not that much different from any other form of gas exploitation and the utilised technology is not anything absolutely new, as some of those opposing the idea would like to view it. On the contrary, the technology has been around for roughly 60 years and thanks to its successful development the extraction has become commercially profitable.  MORE