• Natural Gas News

    Lancashire Evening Post: Shale gas at the double



Paul Nuttall, a leading politician has welcomed the news that the estimate of shale gas available in the North West has more than doubled.


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Press Notes

Lancashire Evening Post: Shale gas at the double

A LEADING politician has welcomed the news that the estimate of shale gas available in the North West has more than doubled.

British shale gas company, IGas, has revealed it is likely to at least double previous shale gas estimates of up to 4.6 trillion cubic feet, which would boost the country’s reserves to levels above Poland. UKIP Paul Nuttall MEP said: “The company is now looking for an experienced partner to further develop its shale gas resources to participate in drilling further wells to corroborate these results and to develop the resource. “I know that there has been some concern in the Blackpool area following tremors and fracking by Cuadrilla Resources in the area has been suspended for almost a year. “But shale gas is a very important resource and I am pleased that IGas has issued an assurance that it would produce gas only if it could be done ‘in a way that’s acceptable’ to the local community.  MORE