• Natural Gas News

    RT: Shale Gas: Boom or bubble?



Chevron, one of the ‘Big 6’ oil companies, has spent over $500 billion in searching for shale gas in Romania, and has the rights to over 9,000 square kilometers of land to drill, according to unconfirmed reports.


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Press Notes

RT: Shale Gas: Boom or bubble?

Countries are apparently eager to inflate the size of their shale gas reserves to attract investment, but the actual figures are spectacularly off.

Millions of dollars are being shelled out for shale exploration by countries across Europe, often to confirm what they knew all along- there is no shale gas.

Romania has been forced to face the facts when it comes to the fracking, or lack thereof. It had hoped to seal a lucrative deal to extract 1.4 trillion cubic meters of gas, which has now turned to out to be zero.