• Natural Gas News

    Today's Zaman: Shale gas: changing the energy game?



The success of European shale gas will depend on developing more efficient and safe techniques for fracking to reduce environmental concerns.


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Press Notes

Today's Zaman: Shale gas: changing the energy game?

Just a few years ago nobody ever talked about shale gas, then it suddenly exploded onto the scene. In the US the impact of shale on the gas market was so massive it became known as the shale gas revolution. According to a recent report by the London-based think tank Chatham House, shale gas rose from less than 1 percent of domestic gas production in the US in 2000 to over 20 percent by 2010, with projections showing it will account for around 46 percent of the US gas supply by 2035. For consumers, this has been a big plus because it has caused gas prices to drop to their lowest levels in decades.  MORE