• Natural Gas News

    SMH: Unconventional gas boost as WA clears way for fracking



Government of Western Australia has allowed mall-scale hydraulic fracturing in the Perth Basin without the need for environmental assessments

by: RG

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SMH: Unconventional gas boost as WA clears way for fracking

A RECENT decision by the West Australian Environment Minister to allow small-scale hydraulic fracturing in the Perth Basin without the need for environmental assessments could be a sign of things to come for unconventional gas resources, which some have tipped as the next energy frontier for the boom state.

Rising domestic gas prices and the rapid growth of unconventional gas markets overseas have prompted increased scrutiny of WA's onshore Perth Basin. WA Department of Mines and Petroleum figures reveal use of the prominent exploration technique for unconventional gas reserves, hydraulic fracturing, or ''fracking'', has quadrupled in a year.  MORE