• Natural Gas News

    Independent Online: Shale gas may lead to loss of jobs



In the South African context this means no local job creation, but rather job transferring from other industries or the importation of foreign skills. Factor in the opportunity cost of not servicing South Africa’s energy needs through job-intensive industries such as green energies, and fracking could result in a net loss of employment.


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Press Notes

Independent Online: Shale gas may lead to loss of jobs

Fracking is not as harmful to the environment as it is to the economy. The debate around fracking as a form of extracting natural gas has descended into a classic debate of potential gains to economic growth and job creation versus loss to pristine environments and social threats to small communities. Yet it is the economy that stands to lose the most.

The most valuable economic commodity in terms of need, is water. But due to its high abundance and low unit cost it is rarely considered as a pivotal input to production. Water underpins all economic activity through its use as a lubricant, coolant, cleaning fluid, or ingredient, as well as being a non-negotiable input into the survival of every human being, plant and animal involved in the economy and its abundance and price are likely to change considerably over the next century.  MORE