• Natural Gas News

    Bloomberg: Shale bubble inflates on near-record prices



Ultimately, the know-how gained by players such as Sinopec and Total expect to glean expertise from their U.S. partners in the horizontal drilling and high-pressure water injection necessary to extract oil and gas from shale will be transferred to virgin shale prospects in Europe, Asia and Latin America.


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Press Notes

Bloomberg: Shale bubble inflates on near-record prices

Chinese, French and Japanese energy explorers committed more than $8 billion in the past two weeks to shale-rock formations from Pennsylvania to Texas after 2011 set records for international average crude prices and U.S. gas demand. As competition among buyers intensifies, overseas investors are paying top dollar for fields where too few wells have been drilled to assess potential production, said Sven Del Pozzo, a senior equity analyst at IHS Inc. (IHS)  MORE