Voice of Russia: Shale gas and oil revolution reshaping world economy and politics
New energy sources, i.e. shale gas and oil, could have a major impact on international relations. Large global players that still depend on imported energy may eventually become exporters themselves.
This situation, if it comes to pass (and this is still a big “if”, as the prospects for shale development are far from clear), will inevitably be a serious issue for Russia, which is a leading supplier of energy resources to the world market. Moscow will surely need to adjust its internal and external policies.
Ten years ago, it was impossible to imagine that the United States would become a major producer of natural gas and overtake Russia for first place in volume of production. Now, it is a fact. Many countries have begun to develop shale gas, including Poland, Ukraine, Australia, the UK and China. According to media reports, by 2032 the United Kingdom will be able to meet a quarter of its needs with this type of fuel. MORE