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    The Telegraph: Shale gas part of solution to climate change, David Cameron says



UK PM David Cameron says hale gas can be part of the solution to tackling climate change and must not be restricted by “green tape”


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The Telegraph: Shale gas part of solution to climate change, David Cameron says

Shale gas can be part of the solution to tackling climate change and must not be restricted by “green tape”, David Cameron is expected to say on Tuesday at a UN summit on tackling global warming.

The Prime Minister is among more than 100 global leaders attending the summit in New York convened by UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, who has asked countries to make ambitious pledges for cutting their greenhouse gas emissions.

Each leader is expected to deliver a four-minute speech setting out their vision for how the world can come to a binding deal on emissions reductions at a summit in Paris next year.

Mr Cameron is expected to use his speech to make clear that countries should be allowed to choose their own paths to going green and must not be subjected to targets that require the use of specific technologies such as renewable energy.

They should also be free to pursue technologies such as shale gas, which is extracted by fracking, and nuclear power without restriction.