• Natural Gas News

    Huff Post: Shale Gas - A Measured Approach to an Issue That Divides Public Opinion



Support for shale gas development in the UK fell in September after protests at Cuadrilla's drilling site at Balcombe.


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Huff Post: Shale Gas - A Measured Approach to an Issue That Divides Public Opinion

Two countries, two approaches to shale gas extraction. Fracking has helped the US overtake Russia as the world's biggest natural gas producer. In France, however, the constitutional court ruled earlier this month that a government's ban on shale gas drilling was legal and not disproportionate.

Public opinion in the UK is divided. Just 55% of the population support fracking, according to a poll by the University of Nottingham released in September. The reason: shale gas drilling offers the possibility of cheaper gas and increased energy independence but at the risk of causing environmental problems.

The European Parliament has tried to find a way to maximise the benefits while minimising possible drawbacks.

Parliament favours robust rules to help safeguard health and the environment. On 9 October MEPs adopted an amendment to existing EU legislation specifying that all fracking projects should be subject to environmental impact studies.