• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Analysis: Shale gas redraws emerging market investment map



Unconventional gas reserves in emerging econominies the world over, including Poland and Romania, are changing the way fund managers view said countries, adding to their investment appeal.


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Reuters: Analysis: Shale gas redraws emerging market investment map

Shale gas reserves are changing the way fund managers view emerging markets, with countries from Poland and Mexico to global market giant China all gaining in investment appeal.

While controversy rages over the environmental impact of 'fracking', the method used to extract shale gas, exploring these reserves could nevertheless give sluggish global growth a much-needed boost.

By some estimates, shale gas production could add a quarter percent to the annual gross domestic product of the United States for example, one of the largest and most advanced of shale gas producers.

Many emerging economies also have shale gas reserves and could benefit in GDP and balance of payments terms from gas production and the lower energy costs and greater self-sufficiency it brings.  MORE