• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: The Prospects for UK Shale Gas Have Never Looked Bleaker



The Guardian says in a blog piece that the UK's nascent shale industry may never recover from Lancashire County Council's decision to turn down Cuadrilla

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

The Guardian: The Prospects for UK Shale Gas Have Never Looked Bleaker

Be in no doubt, it is a seismic decision. Nine county councillors have defied the full-throated backing of David Cameron, well over £100m of spending from shale gas firm Cuadrilla and their own planning officers to reject plans for the UK’s first full-scale fracking.

Cuadrilla are near certain to appeal, but the nascent fracking industry in the UK may never recover from this blow. Councillors around the country will feel emboldened to stand up to the intense national pressure to back fracking. In the future, this may well be seen as the day the fracking dream died.

Read the full article HERE.