• Natural Gas News

    Axis of Logic: Shale gas and the war in East Ukraine



The great economic interest the USA had in Ukraine appeared slightly muted due to sharp political events in the South-East.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Axis of Logic: Shale gas and the war in East Ukraine

The great economic interest the USA had in Ukraine appeared slightly muted due to sharp political events in the South-East. Although, if we examine more closely, the real reason underlying the non-stop bloodbath becomes very clear.

For years, American oil companies have been putting pressure on European countries, seeking to persuade them to develop shale gas. Despite Europe's dependence on the USA, there is quite solid resistance to this idea from the population of these countries. Bulgaria, France, United Kingdom, and Poland failed to endorse this project. Even Romania is going to introduce a moratorium on the exploration and production of shale gas.

Only Ukraine agrees. The environmental impacts of shale gas are catastrophic. They include earthquakes, floods, groundwater pollution, and pestilence of marine animals, birds, and fish, streams of water boiling with methane, and poisoned drinking water and air. People that live nearby shale gas developments have observed poisoning, accompanied by headaches, loss of consciousness, they have neuropathy, asthma, cancer, and other diseases. Drinking water just cannot be drinking water anymore.