• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Resources: Shale gas will have its day in Europe – but not just yet



One factor restraining shale gas growth in central and eastern Europe is the spread of restrictions on fracking. Environmental concerns have become a bigger issue in Europe than in the US because of greater population density and more powerful environmental lobbies.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Resources: Shale gas will have its day in Europe – but not just yet

No go areas: growing numbers of people have protested against fracking, leading to greater restrictions

Unconventional gas seems set to transform central and eastern Europe’s energy market – though it may not be the “magic bullet” once seen as reducing the region’s reliance on imports from Russia.

Reduced estimates of reserves in some countries, difficult geologies, and environmentally-motivated moratoria on the hydraulic fracturing technology used to produce shale gas have slowed the outlook for its development in Europe as a whole, and in CEE countries.

But, even if production in CEE countries takes longer to develop than foreseen a few years ago, its own energy market may continue to see important knock-on effects from that explosive growth across the Atlantic.  MORE