• Natural Gas News

    Polskie Radio: Shale gas will create 'new epoch for Polish energy sector'



With regards to shale exploration in Poland, Prime Minister Donald Tusk says there is a need for a tax and legal system friendly to both domestic and international participants but that it “will begin a new epoch for energy in Poland.”


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Press Notes

Polskie Radio: Shale gas will create 'new epoch for Polish energy sector'

The premier outlined his thoughts at an academic conference on shale gas in Warsaw on Wednesday.

Nevertheless, Tusk said that there was still much to be done before the project could be effectively realised, and that a legal framework needed to be formalised.

“No one will risk large sums of money in such a place that will not guarantee a continuity of investment,” he said.

Tusk outlined the need for “a tax system concerning this wealth, and a legal system that will be profitable not only for our own country, but also friendly for those who will cooperate with us on this venture.”  MORE