• Natural Gas News

    Shale Player Prefers National Regulation



Individual countries should decide on whether to institute moratoriums on the extraction of shale gas, commented an executive of Polish...

by: C_Ladd

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Shale Gas

Shale Player Prefers National Regulation

Individual countries should decide on whether to institute moratoriums on the extraction of shale gas, commented an executive of Polish state-controlled natural gas firm PGNiG SA.

“Let countries decide for themselves,”  said Marek Karabula, the deputy chief executive in charge of upstream operations. “This is an energy security issue.”

Some have suggested that environmental regulations governing unconventional gas exploration and in particular, the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing, should be set by the European Community.

“We believe countries who have had experience with fracking should share their experiences, but we don’t understand why countries who haven’t had fracking [on their territories] are banning it,” Mr. Karabula said. “Ecological concerns aren’t always the real driver.”

Karabula was responding to the French government's decision to ban hydraulic fracturing in unconventional gas exploration and exploitation.

Poland has come out strongly in favour of unconventional gas exploration and has stated its intention on promoting the development of unconventional gas during its upcoming EU presidency. (Read More HERE)

Source: Wall Street Journal