• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: Shale set to cut energy bills



A major survey of leading City fund managers conducted by Capital Spreads reveals widespread confidence in the potential of UK shale gas


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The Telegraph: Shale set to cut energy bills

British shale gas production will cut energy bills, according to a major survey of leading City fund managers.

In a boost for shale explorers and consumers alike, a poll of 200 fund managers with a collective $10 trillion (£6 trillion) in assets under management reveals widespread confidence in the potential of UK shale gas.

George Osborne, the Chancellor, has introduced generous tax breaks for shale explorers, saying he does not want Britain to be left behind as gas prices tumble from the shale gas boom in the US.

But opinion is divided over whether even major UK shale production could lower prices, with Ed Davey, the Energy Secretary, suggesting it is unlikely to do so given the size of the European gas market.