• Natural Gas News

    NYTimes: Shell Makes Big Bet on Boom in Natural Gas



Royal Dutch Shell is betting its future on the business of bringing natural gas from remote locations like Qatar to energy-hungry destinations like China and Japan.


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Press Notes

NYTimes: Shell Makes Big Bet on Boom in Natural Gas

As Big Oil increasingly becomes Big Gas, no major petroleum player may have more at stake in the shift than Royal Dutch Shell.
More than any of its rivals, Royal Dutch Shell, which will report its quarterly results on Thursday, is betting its future on the business of bringing natural gas from remote locations like Qatar to energy-hungry destinations like China and Japan.

And while analysts expect the results to show a sharp decline from last year’s first quarter, in part because of disruptions in its Nigerian gas operations, many experts say Shell may eventually show big benefits from its natural gas emphasis.

Increasingly, to make gas a global commodity, companies supercool it into a liquid form for transport on specialized ships. Shell has already invested about $40 billion in liquefied natural gas, or L.N.G., production plants, storage terminals and related systems, and plans to continue pumping money into that business.  MORE