• Natural Gas News

    Daily Mail: Shell's UK corporation tax bill tumbles by nearly 90 percent as North Sea output declines



Shell's UK corporation tax bill tumbled by nearly 90 per cent to just £55.5m last year, as the company invested more in the North Sea and production declined.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Daily Mail: Shell's UK corporation tax bill tumbles by nearly 90 percent as North Sea output declines

Shell's UK corporation tax bill tumbled by nearly 90 per cent to just £55.5m last year, as the company invested more in the North Sea and production declined.

The Anglo-Dutch oil giant also said a report by the US Coastguard, which criticised Shell’s part in an accident involving the Kulluk drilling rig in Alaska, did not mean it was ill-prepared for Arctic drilling.

Shell revealed tax payments in 14 countries, without saying how much profit was made. A breakdown of the firm’s tax payments showed Shell paid less corporation tax in the UK than in all but two of the countries for which information was released.

Shell’s UK bill fell from £487m last year to £55.5m, less than it paid in Nigeria, Norway, Australia, Malaysia, Canada and Italy.