• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Slovak gas pipeline seen ready to supply Ukraine from September



A pipeline to transport gas to Ukraine via Slovakia should be ready for pumping at full capacity starting in September

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Reuters: Slovak gas pipeline seen ready to supply Ukraine from September

A pipeline to transport gas to Ukraine via Slovakia should be ready for pumping at full capacity starting in September, the head of Slovakia's pipeline operator said, which would help provide some gas if Russia cuts supplies.

EU member Slovakia and Ukraine signed a deal at the end of April that allows the European Union to send a limited amount of gas to Ukraine, less than Kiev had hoped for to cushion the blow should Russia turn off the gas.

"With 90 to 95 percent probability, we should be able to ship 8 to 10 (billion cubic metres) per year already as of Sept. 1, depending that certain technical preconditions are met on both the Slovak and Ukrainian side," said Tomas Marecek, chairman of Eustream, the Slovak pipeline operator.