Snam Opens Two Natgas Stations in Rome
Italian infrastructure operator Snam has launched two natural gas refuelling stations for cars and trucks in Rome, supplying compressed and liquefied natural gas (CNG and LNG) for cars and heavy vehicles, it said March 3. Italy has the largest fleet of natural gas vehicles in Europe.
The plants were developed by Snam4Mobility in partnership with two fuel distribution operators. The refuelling station in via di Torre Spaccata is managed by Goldengas and is the fifth in Lazio to supply LNG for heavy vehicles. It is already equipped to supply bio-LNG produced from organic waste, making available a totally renewable fuel for the decarbonisation of heavy transport.
The station in via di Tor Cervara is managed by Enerpetroli for whom Snam4Mobility built the plant and is the second of nine provided for by the agreement between the two companies. It is the 80th in the region to supply CNG. As part of the agreement, Snam4Mobility and Enerpetroli will also create new distributors in Umbria.
Snam’s 2020-2024 strategic plan envisages building 150 natural gas and biomethane refuelling stations and the launch of the first five hydrogen refuelling stations.