• Natural Gas News

    Somali Agenda: The Soma Oil and Gas Scandal



Somali Agenda says it has seen United Nations Monitors documents calling for an oil and gas exploration moratorium in Somalia in light of the Soma scandal

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

Somali Agenda: The Soma Oil and Gas Scandal

Somali Agenda has received copies of the  latest report by the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group and an assorted documents detailing what the United Nations Monitors call “a serious conflict of interest” in the relationship between SOMA Oil and Gas Company and the country’s Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources. The UN Monitors accuse SOMA Oil & Gas Co. of regularly paying key members at the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources in return for the latter providing protections against scrutiny by other Somali government bodies.

The United Nations Monitors effectively calls for a moratorium on oil and gas explorations in Somalia.

Read the full article HERE.