• Natural Gas News

    Somerset Guardian: 'We don't want to be test site for new energy'



Somerset locals gathered to learn about CBM extraction at a meeting organized by Frack Free Somerset. Production of coal bed methane has been causing concern.


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Press Notes

Somerset Guardian: 'We don't want to be test site for new energy'

The possibility of unconventional energy production coming to north east Somerset has been causing concern.

Residents in Ston Easton and Compton Martin have been finding out why they could soon be faced with a new wave of subterranean exploration exactly 40 years since the last mines shut in the Somerset coalfield while communities in Clutton and Haydon are questioning whether fields of solar panels are appropriate.

Around 80 people gathered in Ston Easton heard their village could soon become a hot spot for coal bed methane extraction.

The meeting organised by Frack Free Somerset was addressed by independent geologist Gareth Thomas, who lives just outside the village.  MORE