• Natural Gas News

    Blackpool Gazette: Sounding alarm over toxic water



Groups campainging against hydraulic fracturing activities in Blackpool and Fylde are concerned about wastewater. Cuadrilla Resources says process is “no more damaging than yoghurt”


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Press Notes

Blackpool Gazette: Sounding alarm over toxic water

PRESSURE groups campaigning against the controversial fracking process say they are worried about plans to remove toxic waste water from a shale gas drilling site.

But the company behind the scheme says a spillage would be “no more damaging than yoghurt”.

Cuadrilla Resources wants to pump water and chemicals underground at high speed to release gas and has applied to the Environment Agency to extract waste water from its site in Anna’s Road, Westby.

Residents say they are worried about the impact of removing the water and potential spillages on land.

Tina Rothery, from Residents Action on Fylde Fracking (RAFF), said: “We’re deeply concerned they’re continuing to progress with the plans despite studies showing the water to be harmful to both people and the environment.  MORE