• Natural Gas News

    Azer News: Southern Gas Corridor critically important, crucial for Europe



The crisis in Ukraine create a unique opportunity for the countries of the Southern Gas Corridor to increase their influence in the European gas supply game.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Azer News: Southern Gas Corridor critically important, crucial for Europe

As the military clash in Ukraine and the conflict between Russia and the West escalates, U.S. government top energy officials and leading experts on the South Caucasus energy and politics assembled today at a Washington DC conference on “Security and Energy Implications for the South Caucasus after Ukraine.”

The January 28th event was cosponsored by the Kennan Institute of the Wilson Center and the newly formed Center for Energy, Natural Resources, and Geopolitics (CENRG) at the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. The Center is led by Dr. Ariel Cohen, a well-known expert on energy policy and Eurasia.

Jonathan Elkind, the Acting Assistant Secretary for International Affairs at the U.S. Department of Energy provided the opening address that framed the conference.

The speakers agreed that the South Caucasus is particularly sensitive to the continuing conflict in Ukraine, including the East-West competition for political and economic influence in the region.