• Natural Gas News

    Spain's Cepsa begins trading as certified biomethane trader


The company has already initiated trading activities in the biomethane market, completing its first purchase of 25 GWh of renewable gas in Spain.

by: Shardul Sharma

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Complimentary, Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Renewables, Corporate, News By Country, Spain

Spain's Cepsa begins trading as certified biomethane trader

Spain’s Cepsa on September 9 announced that it has been officially certified as a biomethane trader under the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) programme for biomass and bioenergy production.

The company has already initiated trading activities in the biomethane market, completing its first purchase of 25 GWh of renewable gas in Spain. The biomethane was produced from urban organic waste at the Valdemingómez facility in Madrid.


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This transaction, formalised earlier this summer, involves multiple deliveries scheduled to continue through January 2025. The biomethane will replace natural gas in Cepsa Química’s Spanish plants, facilitating more sustainable production processes. The use of this renewable gas is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by over 4,400 tonnes, the equivalent of planting around 300,000 trees.

"Our first biomethane purchase is a crucial milestone in our energy transition and decarbonisation strategy. It promotes the immediate use of sustainable energy while contributing to the circular economy through the processing of organic waste," said Alice Acuña, Cepsa’s trading director.

By 2030, Cepsa aims to manage a biomethane project portfolio of 4 TWh annually, equivalent to the natural gas consumption of 650,000 homes. This initiative will help reduce CO2 emissions in its energy and chemicals operations and support green hydrogen production and sustainable mobility, the company added.