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    Telegraph: Strip Queen of fracking riches and share them with homeowners, says Boris Johnson



The Queen should share the wealth generated from fracking with homeowners, Boris Johnson has said

by: Sruthi

Posted in:

Press Notes

Telegraph: Strip Queen of fracking riches and share them with homeowners, says Boris Johnson

The Queen should share the wealth generated from fracking with homeowners, Boris Johnson has said. The London Mayor said that homeowners should be allowed to benefit from minerals found under their homes.

The current rules mean that the Queen as head of state is technically the owner of the minerals under people's homes.

However Mr Johnson complained that “at the moment there is nothing like a bonanza because of the way the rights are structured.

“We have a deferential and monarchical system in this country that assigns all the mineral rights to the Queen. And she has control over any oil, gas and coal… and I’m a fervent opponent of this and for these purposes I’m a strong republican.