• Natural Gas News

    Energy Voice: Study shows shale worry



Local councils lack the expertise and resources to properly regulate the UK’s fledgling shale gas industry

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Energy Voice: Study shows shale worry

Local councils lack the expertise and resources to properly regulate the UK’s fledgling shale gas industry, according to a new study.

Under 60% of those questioned for the report believe that local authorities cannot manage the environmental risks when considering planning applications for shale gas wells.

Even among local government themselves, only 49% of respondents think that they have the skills to weigh up the environmental risks.

Mark Broomfield, an unconventional hydrocarbon specialist consultant at energy consultancy Ricardo-AEA, which carried out the study, said: “It looks like there’s a mismatch between people’s expectations of regulators and planners and what they can deliver in practice.